Jesper Højmark Esbensen



Products I have created and own …


Flagdag is an mobil phone app that supporte the Danish “hygge”. We fly the flag on many occations to selebrate: birthdays,  christmas,  easter, funerals, … This app helps you remind it.

This app exists both for Apple’s iOS and Google’s android, and you can download it for free.

Products i have made major contributions to …

Flow Instruments, Siemens

Software for embedded systems, that measure flow. The hardware collects signals from the sensor. Either a Coriolis, magnet or ultrasound sensor and the software analyses it and transforms the signal to a flow measurement.

Here I worked as a department manger for the software development department. Besides the daily work I introduced the scrum process.



Components for heavy machinery. Actuators and sensors are connected by a Can bus and they are all configured by a software configuration system.

My task was to define and implement processes based on the CMMi framework.

Global Customer Service System, Mærsk Line / IBM

GCSS is a backend system, where customers can book container shipping through websites or shipping handlers.

As a consultant i worked on development,  architecture, processes and management.